
Exploring Diverse Career Paths in Optometry: Insights from Dr. Benjamin Chudner

Optometry is a field that offers a wide range of career paths and opportunities beyond the traditional role of owning a practice. Dr. Benjamin Chudner, the chief medical officer at AEG Vision, provides fascinating insights into the diverse career paths available to optometrists.   Dr. Chudner’s Journey in Optometry Dr. Chudner’s journey in optometry is […]

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Evolve and Adapt to Succeed: A Journey of Transformation in Optometry

Dr. Rhue recognized the need to embrace technology and innovation in her practice. This realization led her to venture into entrepreneurship, where she founded a tech startup aimed at providing solutions for optometrists. This bold move required her to step out of her comfort zone, take risks, and navigate the complexities of starting and running […]

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